Introducing the 2022 Woodwind and Jazz Woodwind syllabuses
BY: Natalie Christopher
07 November 2022
Trinity's 2022 Woodwind and Jazz Woodwind syllabuses were published on 4 November and, in addition to revised repertoire lists, options to play pieces from both syllabuses, and more extensive repertoire books for flute and clarinet, we have launched a whole new way for how we release and manage our syllabuses. Read on to find out more!
Syllabuses with no end date
That's right! The 2022 Woodwind and Jazz Woodwind syllabuses have been released without an end date, meaning that they are valid indefinitely. This means that you can start preparing your students for their exams, selecting the repertoire and, where applicable, Technical Work Exercises they will play without the time constraints of an expiry date and in full confidence that they can take as long as they need to prepare. If and when the time comes that we do need to make some updated to these syllabuses, we will announce these at least 12 months in advance.
More repertoire, more choice
You might now be asking yourself if this means you're going to be teaching the same pieces forever more, but nothing could be further from the truth. With this new approach to syllabus releases comes a continual programme of extending our repertoire lists, enabling us to periodically increase the number of pieces available to play, and the range of styles and composers that feature in them. We will continue to support candidate's access to these pieces as they are added through the release of our own publications including exam books, ebooks, individual downloads and anthologies.
Another new feature for flute, clarinet and saxophone candidates is that they can now select one piece (in the same instrument and grade) from the alternative syllabus to play in their exam. For example, a Grade 3 saxophonist might choose one of their pieces from the Grade 3 Jazz Saxophone repertoire list, or vice versa. Offering this added flexibility with our repertoire not only provides candidates with more choice, but better equips them to play to their strengths, explore different genres of music and develop new skills.
New Flute and Clarinet exam books
Our new Flute and Clarinet books don't just come with different pieces to play but include more repertoire than ever before. Inside each book you will now find 12 pieces to choose from: 8 from Group A and 4 from Group B. Each book includes newly commissioned pieces from a group of international composers showcasing a range of contemporary musical influences, as well as performance notes and download codes for demo and backing tracks to support your students in preparing for their exams. You can find all of our new Flute and Clarinet exam books, from Initial to Grade 8, to purchase as printed editions or as eBooks on our online store.
Assessment on demand
The 2022 Woodwind and Jazz Woodwind syllabuses are valid from immediate effect so, if you've got a student who is blitzing through their exam prep, there's no need to wait until the spring exam session for them to take their exam; they can record themselves playing and enter for a digital exam as soon as they feel ready!
2017-2022 syllabus overlap period
If you have already started preparing your students for exams using the 2017-2022 syllabus, worry not as this will remain valid until 31 December 2023.
For more information about the 2022 Woodwind syllabus, join Amy Lee and guests on Tuesday 22 November at 4pm for a dedicated webinar on the new syllabus. The webinar will be recorded so, if you can't make it, register and you will be sent a link to the recording shortly afterwards.
Photo by Samuel Rios on Unsplash
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BY: Natalie Christopher
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