Celebrating our Class of 2024
BY: Nicola King
11 December 2024
Trinity’s Hall of Fame was developed in order to give your outstanding candidates the extra recognition they deserve. Candidates in the UK and Ireland, who have completed a qualification in a range of arts and language qualifications, can be nominated by their teachers, family members, Arts Award advisers, or by a fellow student. There are four categories candidates can be nominated in:
- Overcoming challenges - qualification success despite difficult circumstances or barriers to access
- Creativity - originality, inventiveness, taking a creative approach to their qualification
- Achievement – outstanding or high achievement in their qualification results
- Personal development - personal learning or skills development via their exam/qualification
In this post we spotlight some of our fantastic 'Class of 2024’ candidates in the words of the people who nominated them…
Achievement- Solomon Horta Speech & Drama (Solo) Grade 4
‘For his Grade 4 Speech & Drama exam, Solomon wanted to perform a speech that included themes of peace, love and diversity, and he listened to podcasts and YouTube videos until he found a speech called “This is who you are” by Richard Williams, also known as Prince EA. Not only did he receive very positive feedback from the examiner: “Outstanding communication of the ideas through the text, thoroughly powered argument, ….” but he also made his family very proud when he performed this speech at a family event. We were in tears and emotionally moved by Solomon’s sincerity and maturity.
‘Solomon loves everything about William Shakespeare, and his other piece was taken from “King Henry IV”. He did some research about the background, characters and the emotional expressions. He also watched some of the stage performances of William Shakespeare’s plays to improve his facial expressions, tone of voice and body gesture. He practiced every day after school in front of the mirror to make sure he covered every detail of the character. He received another very positive comment from the examiner: “Excellent emotional connection and drive through the complex text. There was a real power at the heart of this...” The examiner also told the teacher that he could not believe that Solomon was 9 years old and able to handle Shakespeare!'
Overcoming challenges- Georgina Ferguson Classical & Jazz Piano, Grade 6
‘Georgina gained her Grade 6, with a Merit, whilst suffering with the debilitating and rare condition (affecting just one child per million) of Myasthenia Gravis. She began piano lessons at the age of 9, also playing the flute, but suddenly and dramatically found she could no longer play the flute due to no supporting embouchure. Despite this she still managed to play in our end of term concert, even after her diagnosis.
‘Due to her vulnerability, Georgina had to continue Covid-related shielding until September 2021, meaning she missed an entire school academic year. In May 2021 she had to stop online piano lessons for a term, due to major surgery, and her whole teenage years have been spent with trips and stays in Great Ormond Street and John Radcliffe hospitals. In spite of this, she still kept up her practice, finally gaining her Grade 6. All through this, her practice was always consistent, and of excellent quality. Again, despite her condition causing extreme fatigue, she never once complained, or said she was too tired. She has given me, and her family, so much pleasure from her piano playing. I am so proud of Georgina!’
Personal development- Robin Griffiths Arts Award Bronze
‘Although Robin had an interest in art, they had become disengaged from their art lessons, until their grandmother mentioned the sewing machine that the student's late mother had bought them. I asked if they would like to learn how to sew and was given a very positive nod.
‘This was their first experience of using the sewing machine. We threaded the machine, and I quickly noticed their impressive sewing skills. In the following weeks they made a fabric pot, which snowballed into tote bags and simple pattern cutting. During one session they showed me their sketchbook, unbeknown to me, the student had been using it and pointed to a small design of an upcycled denim dress they wanted to make.
‘Each session, I could see their confidence growing with their sewing, and I took the opportunity to further harness their engagement and introduce other parts of Bronze Award. It was wonderful to see the student discover an interest in the arts, and this journey clearly demonstrated the profound impact that teaching the arts can have on young lives.’
Achievement- Alexander Johnson, Recorder Grade 8
‘Alexander is one of the most committed and hard-working students I have taught in the last 40 years. He is also partially hearing, being completely deaf in one ear.
Alexander has found his way through to achieve high marks in his Grade exams, the last being 93% for Grade 8. He achieved full marks for his unaccompanied piece, the examiner writing 'This was a musically intelligent and carefully considered rendition. There were personal insights and interpretations evident. As it developed it gained interest and character’. Of his sight reading, for which he also received full marks, the examiner wrote 'This was musical playing of the highest order'.’
Overcoming Challenges- Ethan Cheetham Singing, Grade 7
‘Ethan experienced severe disruption to his education in November 2023 and has not been to school since then. He is currently in Year 11, but singing has been his motivating factor in trying to continue his education. He achieved a distinction in his Grade 7 singing exam in December 2023 (89%) and has joined a private GCSE Music study class.
‘In addition to his exam success, he also won two trophies at the Oswestry Youth Music Festival and has been accepted into the Royal Northern College of Music (junior dept) for September this year. He has continued to sing in the local church choir, and also a local youth choir which performs in care homes. He has also been a guest soloist with a local male voice choir.’
Congratulations to all of our amazing Class of 2024!
If you are working with a student who deserves recognition, why not nominate them today!
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