Supporting and developing the next generation of music teachers
BY: Annabel Thomas
10 March 2021
For the past 18 months, Annabel Thomas, Head of Development for Trinity College London’s arts offer in the UK and Ireland and Dr Rachael Durkin, Senior Lecturer in Music at Northumbria University have been working together to develop engaging, inspiring and creative sessions for students and teachers at Northumbria University.
Dr Durkin approached Trinity as she was developing a new Music degree and was keen to embed the importance of instrumental teaching within it. Recognising that many musicians supplement their income through teaching, it forms a core part of their innovative music programme. Northumbria’s approach to performance, music history and employability within their degree is holistic, recognising that all elements have equal value – and this is something that we at Trinity fully support. Being able to complete an academic music degree with the skills, experience and knowledge to enable young musicians to become the skilled teachers of the future is absolutely key to helping to continue the great musical traditions that we have in this country, and we are delighted to be supporting this new course.
As Dr Durkin says:
The Music team at Northumbria University are delighted to be working with Trinity College London to further our commitment to the professional training of next generation musicians. The invaluable knowledge of Trinity's team of examiners and instructors will undoubtedly enhance and augment our own students' learning experience, and will prepare them for a range of careers as musicians of the 21st century.
To date, we have delivered a session for teachers and Music Education Hubs local to Northumbria University exploring assessment in the digital world, highlighting how learners and teachers can adapt to a digital assessment, keep themselves motivated and continue to achieve and progress even when lockdowns prevent face-to-face teaching. In March 2021 we also ran a session for students on the Music degree course, exploring how to differentiate instrumental teaching for learners of all levels. PGCE Primary Music Specialists were also invited to attend this session, and we were excited to share our skills and materials to assist with primary music making – from rhythm and body percussion ideas through to Arts Award (a great option for younger children who are working their way up to grades).
We are excited to see how this partnership will develop, and we are delighted to be helping to inspire the next generation of musicians and music teachers. If you are a university with a music degree, or music-focussed PGCE programme and would like to explore similar opportunities, please do get in touch.
Photo by Dayne Topkin on Unsplash
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