Getting ready to host your drama exam day
BY: Nicola King
09 August 2023
In a previous blog we shared our tips for preparing your students for their exam day, but hosting an exam day, especially if you are a new centre, can be equally daunting. In this blog we share our 3-month countdown of the logistics of organising a face-to-face exam day, to ensure your exams run smoothly.
3 months before the exam….
- Register your centre: in order to host an examiner visit you will need to register as a private centre. The process takes approx. 3 weeks to complete, so make sure you factor this into your planning. Once registered you can start booking your exams. Simply complete the short questionnaire on the website to begin the process.
If you are only planning to enter for our digital exams, you can register as a digital only centre.
8 weeks before the exam….
- Book the exam: for face-to-face exams it is essential that you book exams at least 8 weeks in advance as this secures the date and the examiner, you will do this by completing the drama exam booking form. Ensure that you are able to meet the minimum exam fee requirement before doing this, you can check the fees list if you are unsure of prices. You should hear back from your regional coordinator within one week of completing the booking form.
For digital exams you only need to enter candidates when they are ready – so no advanced booking is needed.
6 weeks before the exam….
- Enrol your candidates: once you have confirmation of your exam date, you will then need to enrol your candidates, this must be done at least six weeks before the date of the exam. You will enrol your candidates on the Trinity online portal. If you struggle using the portal our portal guidance documents cover everything you need to know, or do get in touch with your coordinator.
- Request reasonable adjustments for any candidates with additional needs: make sure this is done at least 4-6 weeks prior to the exam. For digital exams you need to do this when you make your booking, or as soon as possible after, but before making your submission.
3 weeks before the exam….
- Download your invoice: once you have submitted the order your invoice will be generated in the online portal, which will detail how to make payment. It is the responsibility of the centre to download the invoice, your coordinator won’t email this to you.
- Create your timetable: timetables should be created on the Trinity online portal and, again, it is the centre’s responsibility to create this. A timetable should be prepared for each examiner visiting your centre.
- Create the right environment: try and select the best space to offer candidates the chance to share their work with pride and confidence. It is really important to make sure that there will be no noise near the exam room, and that there is a good desk plus light for the examiner. Ideally there should be staff bathroom facilities nearby to avoid lengthy trips across any venues.
2 weeks before the exam….
- Examiner contact: liaise with the examiner by email or phone – if there are any last- minute issues or changes to the timetable the examiner should be contacted as soon as possible with this information. Details of centre location, parking, school/centre protocols for visitors etc should also be sent to the examiner.
- Organise stewards: ensure that there are enough staff members to run the exam smoothly – candidates need to be supervised when in the waiting/rehearsal space and called when it is their exam time. Corridors sometimes need extra supervision if used as access to other parts of the school or centre.
1 week before the exam….
- Print paperwork: it is the centres responsibility to print and distribute all required paperwork on the day of the exam, see below:
Exam registration
Attendance List
Timetable for steward(s)
For the examiner
Timetable – one per examiner
Composite marksheets – one set per examiner
Report forms – arranged in timetable order
For the candidate
Appointment slip – distributed to candidates in advance
The day of the exam……
- Double check. Make sure candidates know their exam time and where they should go, ensure the steward knows what they are supposed to do, and that the examiner has all of the relevant information and materials. And with that, you should be ready to host your exams!
One of the most useful documents for registered exam centres is our Best Practice Guidebook, which will answer all of your questions about booking and hosting your exam day, so make sure you take a look at this in the run up to your exams.
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