Exciting improvements to Trinity's Digital Grade and Diploma exams
BY: Natalie Christopher
17 November 2022
Following extensive consultations with our customers and months of development, we are excited to announce the significant improvements which have been made to our Digital Grades & Diplomas submission process.
These updates have been designed to make the whole process of submitting a digital exam more intuitive, and include the removal of the separate Submission Information form and the ability for those submitting videos for more than one candidate to manage these all from one account. Read on to find out what has changed.
Choice and flexibility of who uploads the exam video
At the point of booking the exam, the person making the booking (the applicant) will be asked to enter the details of the submitter: the person uploading the exam. This can be the candidate, the applicant or someone else. For example. a parent might be making the booking (making them the applicant) but it is their child or their child's teacher who has the video and will be doing the upload. In this scenario, the child or their teacher is the person whose details would be entered as the submitter.
Once the form is completed, the submitter is then contacted to create their own account on the submission platform and upload the video. If an account already exists for the submitter's email address, they will instead receive a link to the online submission form and they will be able to log in using their existing details.
To book a digital music exam, click here.
One account, multiple entries
Once a submitter has created their account, this is the only account they are going to need to use. As a teacher, this means that you can manage and monitor your students' exams from one account; every time your details are entered as the submitter for an exam, you will be prompted to log into your account and upload the new submission from there. Similarly, if you are a candidate or parent, you will be able to continue using the same account as you or your child progresses or takes exams in different instruments.
Ongoing use of backing tracks for digital grades
We are excited to confirm that the option to use backing tracks from Initial to Grade 8 is now a permanent feature of our digital exams. For ATCL and LTCL diploma exams (with the exception of Drum Kit), we strongly advise candidates to perform with live accompaniment; however, backing tracks will continue to be accepted for digital diploma exams up to 31 December 2023. Further guidance regarding the use of recorded accompaniment can be found here.
Updated filming guidance
Our revised filming guidance aims to provide further clarification on the use of microphones and effects pedals for Rock & Pop exams, the use of pick-ups for woodwind and string instruments, voice and sound capturing options for pianists, and possible set-ups for drummers. Full details can be found here.
Streamlined and integrated administration
The requirement to complete and upload the Submission Information form has now been removed. From now on, we will take the details we need from you regarding the exam performance as you complete the online submission.
Report forms sent straight to your inbox
The submitter and the candidate (or email address entered for them on the booking form) will now receive the report form, formatted in exactly the same way as our face-to-face reports with both the marks and examiner comments, straight to their inbox. Any updates on the marking, including requests for amends to be made to the submission, will be sent directly to the submitter.
Want to know more?
Join us at 10:30am on Wednesday 30 November when we will be hosting a webinar going through the requirements for digital exams and walking you through the new submissions process. If you can't join us live, please do register anyway and we will send you a link to the recording in the days that follow.
If you have any queries about digital exams, please do contact us at dgd.uki@trinitycollege.com
Photo by Shayna Douglas on Unsplash
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