Can a piano teacher in India or Canada help with your piano students?

BY: John Molloy
19 May 2021
One outcome of the global pandemic that we have all been living through is the unifying effect it has brought to people, not just locally, but on a global-scale. A shared (if somewhat unwelcome) experience that has affected us all in different and for some, tragic ways.
These human-level shared experiences are few and far between. We could perhaps point to the events of 9/11, or a major televised broadcast like the Live Aid concert in 1985. Sporting spectacles like the Olympics or football's World Cup also present an opportunity for global audiences to come together and celebrate a shared passion.
As professionals, teachers also share a unifying and ongoing experience. In talking to teachers from around the world it is abundantly clear that they share a lot of common experiences and challenges with each other. We also regularly hear that teachers can at times feel isolated in their roles and perhaps struggle to find opportunities to collaborate, share insight and advice and to continually develop new ideas for their own practice.
Before the world went into lockdown we approached a number of piano teachers across the globe to gather together their expert advice and tips for teaching and learning. We had contributions from piano teachers in the UK and Ireland, South Africa, India, Singapore, Canada and the UAE to name just a few. From their responses we found several common themes emerging that these teachers wanted to address. We have taken their feedback and collated it to create ‘The Teacher’s Guide to Piano’.
In this new free to access guide we take a look at the following topics in piano teaching:
- Overcoming challenges
- Warm ups
- Choosing repertoire
- Musicianship & Technical exercises
- Preparing for exams
We hope you enjoy reading the guide and it offers you something useful that you could try for yourself or with your students. You can comment below with your own suggestions too and share your own experiences and tips for others to enjoy.
The guide is a great companion piece to our popular ‘Teacher’s Guide to Singing’ that is also still available.
To further support arts teachers and practitioners with opportunities to share, the Trinity UK & Ireland team have also created a series of online coffee mornings and networking events where you can get together with peers to discuss relevant topics in relaxed and more formal environments. Look for the latest dates on our Music events, webinars and workshops page.
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