Trinity Champion Centre funded showcases

Trinity Champion Centre funded showcases

Picture of Amy Lee

BY: Amy Lee
19 June 2024

You will recently have seen on the blog that our Trinity Champion Centres have been announced for 2024-2025. As part of their status as a Trinity Champion Centre, they can apply for funding to put on a networking event which showcases their Trinity exam work. In this blog, we will explore the type of events Trinity Champion Centres have put on and how they spent their funding, so you can be inspired to put on your own!

Big Red CurtainPicture43

Big Red Curtain was successful in 2019 and again in 2023 in receiving TCC funding for our annual presentation event and cabaret afternoon tea. We used the funding from Trinity on both occasions to purchase cups, medals and trophies. We dedicated four large cups which are greatly coveted as the ‘Trinity College London High Achiever Awards’ for grades 1-3, 4-5, 6-7 & 8 in both Speech and Drama and Musical Theatre.

These were added to our usual collection of awards and our presentation that has been a popular event for the last twenty-seven years.

It is the students’ favourite afternoon of the year - where they perform based on a theme. Last year was musicals & films of the golden Hollywood Era. The students then enjoy afternoon tea and the presentation of awards with an audience of family and friends. Around 300 people attended and last year two of our students received their ATCL Performing Musical Theatre certificate. This year our Awards afternoon will be themed around the music and drama and films of the 90’s era.  

Fleetwood High School

We were thrilled to celebrate the success of our students in their Trinity Rock & Pop examinations last academic year by organising an Exam Success Recital. Friends and family of the students, and our dedicated team of peripatetic staff were invited to enjoy afternoon tea, funded by our bid, whilst the students performed one of their exam pieces. This funding also enabled us to purchase a new SM58 microphone for the vocalists' use during their performances. Additionally, we welcomed students currently taking peripatetic lessons but who have not yet taken any exams, to inspire them to take a Trinity Rock & Pop exam in the future.

Bob’s Drum’s Lessons

Bob’s Drum Lessons were grateful to receive funding from Trinity College London as a Champion Centre. The funding was put towards Dumfries Drum Day, a day focused on all things drumming in the south-west of Scotland. The funding went toward getting a band together who learned the songs from the Rock & Pop Drums books, where young people got the chance to perform live on stage with a band in front of an audience. Many for the first time ever - a big difference from practising at home and in lessons with backing tracks! The event also featured some of Scotland’s top drummers on the main stage, as well as free workshops and taster drum lessons.

Dumfries Drum Day has helped raise awareness of drumming in Scotland, and is returning later this year with the addition of trade stalls (keep an eye out for Trinity!), even more young drummers performing with the band, a fresh line up of main stage performers and a host of educational events. Thank you to Trinity College London and the Dumfries & Galloway Instrumental Music Service for funding the 2023 Dumfries Drum Day.  

We hope these insights from our Trinity Champion Centres inspire you to put on your own showcasing event! Interested in becoming a Trinity Champion Centre? Applications for 25-26 will open in March 2025, contact for more information.

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