The Awards and Certificates in Musical Development and the National Sounds of Intent Centre

BY: Guest Writer
08 May 2024
In September 2022, after several years in development, Trinity College London launched the Awards and Certificates in Music Development in partnership with Sounds of Intent .
These are the first ever fully-accessible, regulated music qualifications learners across the spectrum of needs. The Awards and Certificates in Musical Development are open to all settings delivering musical learning across the whole spectrum of abilities and needs.
They enable practitioners in special schools and alternative provisions to ensure that learners in their settings have an equal opportunity to evidence their musical progress and achieve a nationally accredited music qualification. This is significant in itself, being the first time ever this has been possible, particularly for those with the most complex needs. It is very meaningful for many young people and their parents and carers, to have the musical progress their children have made nationally recognised, just like their neurotypical peers.
The qualifications are accessible to all students including those in mainstream schools. In fact, anyone who finds the existing routes inaccessible, now has an alternative and appropriate progression route. With Inclusion being a main focus of the new music education plan, this also means that music hubs can evidence the inclusivity of their offer with the Awards and Certificates in Musical Development.
Another incredibly important benefit is that because Trinity’s Awards and Certificates in Musical Development are nationally accredited, upon leaving school, students will be able to use the accompanying UCAS points. This is particularly significant for those who may not otherwise be able to access further education or routes to industry. For those with profound and severe learning disabilities, musical opportunities after school tend to just fall away. For many, music will be their lifeline, one of the few things that enriches their lives and gives them agency and fulfilment. Funding will enable this incredibly important provision to continue after school.
What are the Awards and Certificates in Musical Development and how do you enter applicants?
Preparation and assessments are made by the music leader during the course of ongoing musical activity. There is no prescribed scheme of work or curriculum to follow. Any genre or instrument/sound makers are accepted. Music-making is mapped to the Sounds of Intent framework and the smallest steps in progression can be formally recognised. All learners have the opportunity to have their music-making celebrated.
The following charts shows how the Awards and Certificates in Musical Development work in parallel with the existing Trinity gradings:
Anyone wishing to apply needs to complete an online course if they have not already engaged with similar training such as the PgCert in Sounds of Intent. This ensures that the music leader responsible for the assessment of learners has the relevant understanding of the learning outcomes and assessment criteria. The online course, which was created specifically to support people working with Awards and Certificates in Musical Development, can be found on the Sounds of Intent website soundsofintent.app and is free and relatively swift to complete. Once you are ready for your learners to have their work moderated and the certification awarded, you submit your evidence and assessments either via your own school or organisation if it has been validated as a Registered Assessment Provider, or via the National Sounds of Intent Centre National Sounds of Intent Centre - soundsofintent.com .
Offering this fully inclusive music accreditation route, which enables all children and young people to have their progress recognised is an incredible, truly groundbreaking development for the sector. Through the Awards and Certificates in Musical Development, Trinity is providing new opportunities for all children and young people to celebrate their achievements and evidence the impact of music, particularly for those with the most significant barriers to learning.
The Awards and Certificates in Musical Development are Externally Quality Assured qualifications, and any school or organisation wishing to deliver them are welcome to apply for validation as a Trinity course provider. For a limited period, we are waiving the usual centre validation fee, saving you £300 / €350. Register your interest via the form on this page for further information.
If you’d like to find out more about our Awards and Certificates in Musical Development , then contact Trinity College London’s National Business Development Manager Toby Davies at toby.davies@trinitycollege.com
Photo of Krish playing the piano courtesy Sophie Gray at the National Sounds of Intent Centre.
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