How to be sustainable when preparing for your Trinity music exams
BY: Amy Lee
14 November 2023
Our theme for the blog this month is Sustainability, so this week we’re going to cover some key ways as a learner or teacher you can prepare for your Trinity music exams, whilst caring for the planet. From digital exams and digitised music to free webinars, we have got you covered!
Digital music performance exams
Our Digital Grades and Diplomas, which can be taken for both Classical and Jazz and Rock and Pop, mean you can sit your exams from the comfort of your home, without having to travel to an exam venue. The reduction of travel reduces carbon emissions for both the candidate, and examiner and venue steward. It also gives you more flexibility in when and where you take your exam, with enrolment for the digital offer continuously available, unlike in person exams which are on specific dates due to venue availability. We’ve also extended the time you have to submit after booking to 28 days, so you have plenty of time to upload your submission.
Digital music theory exams
We have recently introduced Digital Music Theory exams which are also on-demand and can be taken at a convenient place or time, unlike the paper-based exams that can only be taken at exam centres on specific dates each year. The results are also released in the applicant dashboard as soon as the exam is marked, without having to wait for a written report. This is speedier and also better for the planet!
Free webinars and resources
Additionally, free online resources and webinars are a great way to prepare for your Trinity music exams, without effecting your carbon footprint. Our webinars often feature examiners and music specialists, who have a breadth of experience in assessing our exams, so it’s worth signing up to listen and ask any questions you may have. We also have a range of resources that can assist you with any queries you may have related to your instrument.
Walk/cycle to rehearsals and lessons
Instead of driving to rehearsals and lessons to prepare for your music exam, you could walk or cycle if possible, or take public transport such as a bus or tube. We know practice makes perfect, and so you may require many lessons before you are ready for your exam: by trying greener forms of transport, you will be helping our planet whilst creating great music!
Download digital scores
You can now buy ebook copies of some of our new books, such as our Piano Exam Pieces from 2023, Flute Exam Pieces from 2023, Singing Exam Pieces from 2023, and Rock and Pop repertoire on our online shop. By choosing the ebook format instead of a hard copy, you are saving trees, whilst accessing the same extensive repertoire to perform in your exam! You can save 20% off your order on digital music on our estore with the code SUSTAINABLE20.[1]
Avoid printing sheet music
After purchasing music, such as the ebooks mentioned above, you can stay green by avoiding printing this music, and reading it instead on your device. It’s fine to play from a tablet or eReader in the exam if you so wish. Did you know that some apps can even turn your page for you when you’re playing? A hard copy can’t do that!
Digital syllabuses
As well as the music needed for your exam, you will also need to consult a copy of the relevant syllabus. We’ve got all our syllabuses available on the instrument pages on our website, for you to download free. Our newer syllabuses, such as piano and woodwind, are also specially catered for electronic devices. These digital syllabuses offer easier navigation to pages listed in the contents, and with direct links to the pages and resources you might need – plus the version on the website will always be completely up-to-date.
Digital certificates
Finally, we recently made a move to cut down our carbon footprint even further with the launch of our digital certificates. These can be accessed quickly, 24-48 hours after results are validated by Trinity, and securely, through the trusted company Accredible. There is also the option for candidates to share their digital certificate with employers, institutions and governments as a link, PDF or QR code. You can access the digital certificate 24/7 via the online Accredible platform.
We hope this blog has inspired you to make some moves to becoming more environmentally friendly whilst preparing for your music exam. If you want to understand what else Trinity is doing to improve our carbon footprint, then keep an eye for more posts of a similar theme on our blog this month!
[1] For Online Store. 20% off entire order. No minimum purchase requirement. All customers. One use per customer. Can’t combine with other discounts. Active until 31 Jan 2024.
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